Today, we had a double whammy of reading.

After last week’s double lesson in which the students created their own stories based on a close up picture of a bee, the students read 2 short passages related to …….. cooking!

The first text was a short story about two girls and their father making a surprise breakfast of pancakes and eggs for their mother’s birthday. They read the text together and discussed many words that they hadn’t seen before. Once they had read the story together, they worked on answering some comprehension questions based on the text.

As a follow up to the first reading, the students chatted about their experiences (or lack of) of making food for someone else. It was quite clear that they had never been near a kitchen in their short lives other than to get food for themselves! So, the students agreed they will try to make food sometime for their parents as a special treat.

For the second lesson, they continued reading on the theme of pancakes, but this time the text was in the form of instructions on how to make the perfect pancake. In addition, they learned how to make banana fritters. It was interesting to see how two texts on the same topic could be so different in their tone in relation to their audience. 

Also, it made everyone feel extrememly hungry!
